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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What is Class, Constructor, Generics, Namespaces , Object, Static?

Class: A program is an abstract machine. As it executes, its parts are in movement, in constant motion, moving towards a result.

Constructor: We often need to have different ways of instantiating a class. We might use the class in many places. With overloading, we can add many entry points for creating the class.

Generics :A generic class is compiled for a certain parameter type, one specified in angle brackets. Generics (like Dictionary) are powerful. They are often faster than alternatives.

Namespaces : Namespaces are an organizational feature. Often, programs will have namespaces containing their classes. This changes the syntax. It alters how we must identify a target class.

Object: Every class is derived from the ultimate base class—object. Because of this, every variable can be cast to an object reference. We treat any variable as one type.

Static: The word "static" refers to a position that is unchanging, fixed. A static class cannot be instantiated. Its position in memory is therefore fixed in one place.

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