1.Create Database SqlDatabase
Create Database SqlDatabase
2.Create table Companyinformatio where Srno is auto increment and primary key and
field EmailId is unique............ using database SqlDatabase
use SqlQuery
create table Companyinformation (SrNo int IDENTITY(1,1) primary key,Name nvarchar(50),FatherName nvarchar(50),EmailId nvarchar(50) unique,Age int,Salary int,ContactNo nvarchar(50))
After Creating above table Companyinformation you can see design of table
After Creating above table Companyinformation you can see design of table
exec sp_columns Companyinformation
insert data in table Companyinformation
insert into Companyinformation values('naveen Yadav','Mr.Yadav','naveen@gmail.com',24,12000,'9718429281')
insert into Companyinformation values('Rohit ','Jai kumar','rohit@gzpmail.com',34,2000,'9458668577')
insert into Companyinformation values('Rahul ','Mr.O P Shiv','rahul@gmail.com',21,1000,'7503726411')
select data from table Companyinformation
Select * from Companyinformation
Select * from Companyinformation where SrNo=5
Select * from Companyinformation where FatherName='Jai kumar'
Select * from Companyinformation where Name='Naveen Yadav'
* means select all data field from table Companyinformation
Select Name,FatherName,EmailId from Companyinformation where Salary=1000
select command with selected record for example Name,FatherName,EmailId only show
Select record from table Alias Companyinformation using as Keyword:
select SrNo as SerialNo,Name as Emp_Name,FatherName as Emp_FatherName,EmailId as Emp_EmailId,Age as Emp_Age,Salary as MonthlySalary,ContactNo as Emp_ContactNo from Companyinformation
select command with Alias for example SrNo as SerialNo
update data from table Companyinformation which SrNo=2
Update CompanyDetails set Name='Rohit singh',FatherName='Jai kumar',EmailId='rohit@gmail.com',Age=20,Salary=21,ContactNo='9871234511' where SrNo=2
Detete data from table Companyinformation which SrNo=14
Delete from Companyinformation where SrNo=14
select data from table Companyinformation with help and,between,in keyword
Select * from Companyinformation where age>20 and age<=70
Select * from Companyinformation where age between 10 and 50
Select * from Companyinformation where (age=21 or age=70)
Select * from Companyinformation where age in(21,70)
select data from table Companyinformation with using Like
select * from Companyinformation where Name Like 'R%' Start with R
select * from Companyinformation where Name Like '%i' End with i
select * from Companyinformation where Name Like 'R---' Start with R and CharLen=4
select * from Companyinformation where Name Like '[a-m]%'
Start with a to m and CharcherLength is no matter
select * from Companyinformation where Name not Like 'R%' Not Start with R
aggregate functions in sql :
1. Max
5. Avg
Select maximum salary from table Companyinformation
Select Max(Salary) from Companyinformation
Select 2nd highest maximum salary from table Companyinformation
Select Max(Salary) from Companyinformation where Salary < (Select Max(Salary) from Companyinformation)
Select minimum salary from table Companyinformation
Select Min(Salary) from Companyinformation
Select 2nd highest minimum salary from table Companyinformation
Select Min(Salary) from Companyinformation where Salary > (Select Min(Salary) from Companyinformation)
Find Avg salary from table Companyinformation
Select Avg(Salary) from Companyinformation
Find Total salary from table Companyinformation
Select Sum(Salary) from Companyinformation
Find Count Name from table Companyinformation
Select Count(Name) from Companyinformation
Find Total salary,No of Emp,Average of Salary Companyinformation using Sum,Count,Avg keyword
Select Total=Sum(Salary),Count=Count(Name),Average=Avg(Salary) from Companyinformation
Note In aggregate functions left Count each keyword apply on only those field which have must int Property Means max,min,sum,avg are numeric keyword
Select record from table Companyinformation using order by clause:
Select * from Companyinformation order by salary by default asending order
Select * from Companyinformation order by salary desc
Select * from Companyinformation order by salary asc ,name desc
salary with asending and name with desc order
Select * from Companyinformation order by 5
where 5 is index no table which is age
Select record from table Companyinformation using top Keyword:
Select Top(5) * from Companyinformation
Select Top(5) * from Companyinformation order by age desc
Select Top (7) Name,FatherName from Companyinformation
How to add other column in table Companyinformation with using alter
use SqlDatabase
alter table Companyinformation add CompanyName nvarchar(50) null
How to delete table Companyinformation from database SqlDatabase
use SqlDatabase
drop table Companyinformation
Select record
select SrNo,[EmailId_To]= substring ([EmailId_To],1,10),[Subject]=SUBSTRING([Subject],1,10),[Message]= substring([Message],1,10),Attach_File,
convert(varchar,DateTime,106)as DateTime from Email_Message
where EmailId_To like '%sunil@gmail.com%'
convert(varchar,DateTime,106)as DateTime from Email_Message
where EmailId_To like '%sunil@gmail.com%'
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